Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Jack of all Trades (Unsung Hero)

Last week we had an assignment due in multimedia over an unsung hero. I shot mine over spring break on a janitor at an elementary school.

Ron Key is 53 and has worked as head custiodian for Lowes Elementary for about a year and a half. He has never married and has no children.

Straight out of high school, he started working for a company called Ingersoll Rand. He was recently laid off after working for the company for 30 years with only two more years until he was able to retire. He worked for another company for two years, which also laid him off and moved elsewhere, leaving him with no job.

Key plans on working as a janitor in the Graves County school system until he can no longer physically work on a full time basis. He will then work as a substitute janitor until he can't do that anymore. Key claims that he comes to work for the kids, because the whole reason the staff of Lowes is there is for the kids: without them there would be no job for him. Therefore relationships with the students are very important to him.

The multimedia piece can be found at www.wku.edu/~kelsey.sullivan282. Please view in Safari or Firefox, not Internet Explorer.
